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Saturday, May 10, 2014

Light In Darkness

I asked the sun
I asked the moon
Why do you
 Hide your self
In darkness
Half the time
Both gave the
Same reply
Nobody can
Live in lime light
So we practice
To live half time
In darkness
Half time in light
If ever
We have to live in
Only in darkness
We shall 
Neither be perturbed
Nor feel bad
As by then
We will be used to
Any form of life
Dr.Rajendra Tela,Nirantar


Friday, May 9, 2014

Love buds

Time to time
My love buds
Try to blossom
In search of
New refreshing
My conscience
Does not allow me 
To deceive
My love
Which has?
Always supported
Stood by me
Dr.Rajendra Tela,Nirantar
conscience,love,love buds,desire

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Life takes the path it likes

Left and right
Up and down
Every now and then
Life changes
From black to white
Whether one smiles
Or one cries
Life doesn’t understand
Any feelings
Takes the path
It likes
Lucky are people
Who smile?
More than they cry
Dr.Rajendra Tela,Nirantar


Taking everybody for granted

Past midnight
I asked my wife
To cook
My favorite dish
She refused
I asked my friend
To accept
All that I said
He refused
I asked my son
To do everything
I wished
He refused
I asked my parents
To treat me
Like a small child
Even after
I became an adult
They refused
I kept getting
Refusal after refusal
Looked to me
As a sort of betrayal
It was too late
Before I realized
I had spoiled relations
I was taking
Everybody for granted
Thinking only about me
Without caring
About  their feelings
Dr.Rajendra Tela,Nirantar
Life,taking every body for granted,expectations


Sunday, May 4, 2014


Many a times
My past haunts me
Memory of
My deeds
My thoughts
My behavior
The words I spoke
Pains me
There is no way
To undo
What I did
The only thing
At my command
Is to
Repent my sins
Forgive and forget
Not to repeat
My unworthy actions
Pray for the welfare of
Each and every person
Try to unwind
Spoilt relations
Live like a true human
Dr.Rajendra Tela,Nirantar
Sins,deeds,life,repentance ,past,