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Sunday, May 1, 2011

A bad day

Nothing went right today
Slipped and injured my leg
On the way
Writhing in pain ,
Kept waiting for her
She would come 
And put her hand
On my shoulder
Her presence
Shall reduce my pain
She was not to be seen
Throughout the day
 No way could I contact her
It made me sad and angry
It was a big shock for me
Lightning struck 
My heart and soul  
When I came to know
 She also slipped
And broke her leg
In the morning today
My pain increased
And eyes got wet
There was nothing I could do
I cried here, 
She cried there
It was a bad day
For both of us
Nothing went right today


  1. I cried here,
    She cried there
    It was a bad day
    For both of us
    Nothing went right today...

    Happens ! But this life !

